240-454-5750 lauren@laurenmaza.com
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I love this week! So many fun mini-holidays! Pi Day, Ides of March, St. Patrick’s Day, Vernal Equinox, plus a couple of extended family members’ birthdays thrown in as a bonus.

Let’s chat a bit more about one of the above – that is the one with the best photos. Cue gratuitous baking photos…

When I’m not working on voiceover (or out climbing), I bake. It may sound weird to the non-baker, but it’s relaxing. It’s also the kind of hobby that no one complains about, as there is a by-product that makes other people happy.

Each spring brings Pi Day on 3.14 (haha get it?), at least in terms of how Americans write their dates, is a slightly silly “food holiday” that both bakers and mathematicians can agree to celebrate. It is of course one of my favorite days to make a pie.

If you’re not hungry yet, here are a few recent photos. 2020 was coconut! 2019 my kitchen was a disaster because I was in the middle of getting new countertops, so I can’t find photographic evidence of a pie being made that March. 🙁 In 2018 I learned to make homemade lemon meringue pie and subjected friends of mine to a pi(e) day party. 🙂 I apparently also brought this peanut butter pie to work (you know, back in the day when we could share food at work).


So…what about 2021? This year, it was a double dose of pie over the course of “pie weekend” – we went both sweet and savory. Chicken curry pie is on the left below. (I hated chicken pie as a kid – I remember it always being gloppy and relatively tasteless – but discovered this curried version at some point during stay-at-home orders.) The right photo is photographic evidence of my first successful lattice pie! Woo hoo! Okay, so maybe I had a little help with this one – lattice is a bit of a juggling act and is easier to execute with four hands. Oh right. There was a filling as well. It was apple, but the top crust was the true star. 🙂

Happy Spring, friends!