240-454-5750 lauren@laurenmaza.com
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Happy Holidays!

Ah, holiday messaging…what to say and how to say it? Classic or cartoony or sentimental or snarky? Sales-y and chatty about voice over or just well wishes?

I started with wanting something relating to baking, because well, it’s baking. I like making cookies and most people I know like eating them. So I found this photo (free usage, thank you very much) and started playing with adding a greeting. Pretty, but meh. It just wasn’t speaking to me. It really said very little about VO, audio projects, or about me as a person. So nice try, but not quite it.

While I’m not one for keeping up with the latest and greatest on the interwebs, every once in a while a meme makes me laugh. Enter singing cat. I just couldn’t stop laughing. With a little photoshop magic – okay, so I had a little help with that one – he was in the middle of a snow covered field. This made me laugh even more.

From there, the question of what sort of messaging to add to the image. Again, I started relatively straightforward, and then realized that didn’t fit. So the cat got something that fit with his personality, and a little bit of mine as well. Here he’s happily disrupting the peace of an otherwise serene wintery scene. 🙂


Happy Holidays and Best Wishes in 2022!